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They have their heads on straight at Cheeks Academy!

They have their heads on straighh at Cheeks Academy

I had a great morning hanging out with the staff and students at Cheeks International Academy of Beauty.

They had an interest in learning the history of their location, and I had an interest in hearing about their paranormal activity. "Why does the trolley always stop out front? was one of the first questions. Well, let me tell ya, this location has a colorful past, and I'm not just talking hair dyes! Ida Hamilton's House of Mirrors was built at this location in 1872. While the entire south side of the block was nicknamed "the row" referring to the strip of parlour houses that operated there. Now Ida was a smart business woman, she didn't do things half way. This was the biggest most opulent bordello in all of Wyoming. There was a murder of a man Edmond Malone just out front in 1879, the argument had began inside Ida's place. Ida retired a very rich lady in the 1880's. Later the home was used as a rooming house and even hospital. In 1941 a new building was erected at this site, 207 W 18th St in Cheyenne WY. This was a one story blonde brick, which is the building that Cheeks is in. It opened as Cheyenne Bowling Lanes. I know that the bowling alley was there at least into the 1960's. The lovely ladies and a handful of men at Cheeks had all witnesses paranormal activity. Sometimes these "doll head" as shown in the photo just fly across the room. They have also seen clocks, and pictures fly off the wall. One mean spirited woman was hit in the head by a picture! While I was getting a tour, we stepped into this closet and the lights began flickering. We acknowledged the spirit and moved on. The students say unexplainable things happen daily. A medium has been in the building, she sees a dark haired woman in a corset.

Be careful of a brush with death.

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